an evaluation of deep learning methods for small object detection

Classification: Identify if an object is present in the image and the class of the object Small object detection is an interesting topic in computer vision. Illustration of (a) objects such as a bus, plains, or cars that have big appearance but occupy small parts on an image taken from [. Similarly, RetinaNet is a detector that proposes an updated calculation for loss function to penalize the imbalance of classes in a dataset. First of all, the possibilities of the appearance of small objects are much more than other objects because of the small size that leads to a fact that detectors get confused to spot these objects among plenty of other objects which are located around or even are the same size or appearance. The proposed plant method includes four main items: (i) The imaging system developed to create (ii) the dataset, which needs to benefit from (iii) pre-processing before investigating (iv) various approaches for the detection of developmental stages of seedling growth based on deep learning methods. A 2017 Guide to Semantic Segmentation with Deep Learning Sasank Chilamkurthy July 5, 2017 At Qure, we regularly work on segmentation and object detection problems and we were therefore interested in reviewing the current state of the art. The architecture of Fast R-CNN is trained end-to-end with a multitask loss. If the anchor overlaps a ground truth more than other bounding boxes, the corresponding objectness score should be 1. An Evaluation of Deep Learning Methods for Small Object Detection Nhat-Duy Nguyen,1 Tien Do,1 Thanh Duc Ngo,1 and Duy-Dinh Le1 1University of Information Technology, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam … Overall, there are several problems relating to challenges that need to be solved with object detection. This one has fewer than PASCAL VOC 2007 two classes such as dining table and sofa because of the constraint of the definition. Particularly, YOLO is only from 4G to 5G for training and from 1.6G to 1.8G for testing with Darknet-53. As a result, performance of object detection has recently had significant improvements. Traditional object detection methods are built on handcrafted features and shallow trainable ... small datasets. The goal of YOLO is to deal with two problems, namely, what objects are presented and where they are in an image. The highest accuracy belongs to the Darknet-19 with the resolution of 1024  1024 which just gets 24.02%. Second, YOLOv3 enables the detector to predict objects at three different outputs with three different scales rather than just one prediction at the last layer of the network similar to its competitor SSD [26] which has improved a lot of performance on a low resolution image. Overall, there is an increase about 1–3% for changing the simple backbone to the complex one in each type. Generally, we see that when RAM consumption in testing and training increases, more layers are added. In particular, various publicly available object-detection models that were pre-trained on the Microsoft COCO dataset are fine-tuned on the German Traffic Sign Detection … This drawback comes from the computation of networks. Therefore, these approaches will be considered in our future works, and following our recent searching to have better performance on object detection, we have to consider several factors to improve the mAP such as multiscale training, superresolution for scaling up the visual information to small objects [35], or preprocessing data to avoid the imbalance data because we have a wide range of imbalance problems relating to data [33]. VOC2007_WH_0.2 contains objects whose width and height are less than 20% of an image’s width and height. As evaluation works on small object detection for deep models, our goal is to highlight remarkable achievements of popular and state-of-the-art deep models in order to provide a variety of views as applying deep models in small object detection. Data augmentation using image transformation methodologies. In comparison with the top in one-stage approaches, YOLOv3 608 × 608 with Darknet-53 obtained 33.1%. Although impressive results have been achieved on large/medium sized objects in large-scale detection benchmarks (e.g.the COCO dataset), the performance on small objects is far from satisfac-tory. In case of YOLO, this remarkable increase in accuracy when objects are larger is obviously good for a model. The evaluated approaches in this time consist of Faster RCNN [15], YOLOv3 [6], and RetinaNet [7] with different backbones. YOLOv2 [5] has a number of various improvements from YOLOv1. The key method in the application is an object detection technique that uses deep learning neural networks to train on objects users simply click and identify using drawn polygons. Therefore, Faster RCNN is considered as a giant baseline in order to base on or develop from it. Instead of using a region proposal network to generate boxes and feed to a classifier for computing the object location and class scores, SSD simply uses small convolution filters. The reason is that small objects … Specifically, the convolutional network takes an image at any size as an input and several RoIs. This misunderstanding has a tendency to weaker backbones in the comparison and one-stage method like YOLO which primarily heads to speed has more misdetection than two-stage methods. The reason is that a higher resolution image allows more pixels to describe the visual information for small objects. Highlight of bounding boxes from comparative backbones on small object dataset. Because, small objects are able to appear anywhere in an input image, if the image is well-exploited with the context, the performance of small object detection will be improved better. ... of region proposals which could contain an object by merging small ... have applied this method to spatial object detection. Although ResNet backbones combined with the others yield an improvement in accuracy, they do not work for YOLO on small object datasets. Comparative results on small object dataset. If the traffic sign has its square size, it is a small object when the width of the bounding box is less than 20% of an image and the height of the bounding box is less than the height of an image. The other one includes that in manufacturing industries, the need of detecting assembly parts that are defective or the uncertainty of an angle of view, size of detected object, and deformable shape that significantly changes during assembly process [8]. The final output is created by applying a 1  1 kernel on a feature map. Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) [26] is a single shot detector using a single and one-stage deep neural network designed for object detection in real time. Align Deep Features for Oriented Object Detection, Jiaming Han, Jian Ding, Jie Li, Gui-Song Xia, arXiv preprint (arXiv:2008.09397) The repo is based on mmdetection. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Models in the one-stage approach is known as detectors which have better and more efficient detection in comparison to another approach. In other words, the common problems, which not only happen with small objects but also for whole datasets, are the intraclass similarity and interclass variation. Apart from the small object dataset, we also filter subsets from PASCAL VOC 2007 following standard definitions. This setting shows that the loss value was stable from 40k, but we set the training up to 70k to consider how the loss value changes and saw that it did not change a lot after 40k iterations. The Authors declare no conflict of interest. Although YOLOv2 has accuracy improvements, YOLOv2 does not work well on small objects because the input downsampling results in the low dimension of the feature map which is used for the final prediction. One-stage methods such as YOLO use a soft sampling method that uses a whole dataset to update parameters rather than only choosing samples from training data. The loss function in previous YOLO looks like. Specifically, two-stage methods are totally better than one-stage ones in case of real-time inputs and just better a bit than nonreal-time models in VOC_WH20 about 10–20% and the same result with smaller objects in VOC_MRA_0.058 and VOC_MRA_0.10. Therefore, it causes a difficulty to researchers when a dataset consists of images with various ranges of resolution. This table illustrates how well models adapt to different scales of objects. At the time, the sum of possibility scores may be greater than 1 if the classifier is softmax, so YOLOv3 alternates the classifier for class prediction from the softmax function to independent logistic classifiers to calculate the likeliness of the input belonging to a specific label. Besides, key features to obtain small objects from an image are vulnerable and even lost progressively when going thorough many kinds of different layers of deep network such as convolutional or pooling layers. In addition, lots of bounding boxes overlapped will result in a drop of mAP if small objects are close to big objects because there is a bias to choose the bounding boxes which contain big objects and ignorance of bounding boxes for small objects. However, it is not as common as the others so it is not included here. Object detection is more challenging because it needs to draw a bounding box around each object in the image.While going through research papers you may find these terms AP, IOU, mAP, these are nothing but Object detection … Of all architectures, the ResNet-50-C4 is the one requiring the highest memory and time to process data because the output size of ResNet-50-C4 is bigger a bit than others [9]. The CNN network spatially reduces the dimension of the image gradually, leading to the decrease in the resolution of the feature maps. To do this task, several ideas have been proposed from traditional approaches to deep learning-based approaches. With 4 subsets of 4 different scales of objects in images, we want to find out how much the scales impact on the models. YOLO with Darknet-53 utilizes more resource than ResNet ones, but it has the best accuracy among models. YOLO just needs about 0.3 ms to 0.4 ms to process an image in comparison to more than 0.1 s and 0.2 s with Faster RCNN and RetinaNet. As a result, the exhausted searching such as sliding window [14] or the drastic increase in the number of bounding boxes like selective search [17] is unfeasible to achieve good outputs. Although the design of YOLO architecture affords end-to-end training and real-time detection, it still keeps high average precision. Now that we have a clear understanding of basic concepts like precision, recall, and Intersection over Union, it is time to move onto the real evaluation metrics in deep learning. Instead of all inputs of the model normally processing one time for detection like YOLOv2, this idea must work 3 times. Van De Sande, T. Gevers, and A. W. M. Smeulders, “Selective search for object recognition,”, Z. Zhu, D. Liang, S. Zhang, X. Huang, B. Li, and S. Hu, “Traffic-sign detection and classification in the wild,” in, A. Torralba, R. Fergus, and W. T. Freeman, “80 million tiny images: a large data set for nonparametric object and scene recognition,”, A. Kembhavi, D. Harwood, and L. S. Davis, “Vehicle detection using partial least squares,”, V. I. Morariu, E. Ahmed, V. Santhanam, D. Harwood, and L. S. Davis, “Composite discriminant factor analysis,” in, A. Andreas, P. Lenz, and R. Urtasun, “Are we ready for autonomous driving? In this case, methods from the one-stage approach have a better performance than two-stage ones in most of scales. Copyright © 2020 Nhat-Duy Nguyen et al. So far, almost detection models are all well-performed on challenging datasets such as COCO and PASCAL VOC. Particularly, the only blue default box on 8  8 feature map fits to the ground truth of the cat, and the only red one on 4  4 feature map matches to the ground truth of the dog.

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