catholic baptism questions

It’s hard to believe an answer if you don’t understand the question it is … If the answer is yes, you may find yourself faced with many new questions. If the baptism does not use water, then it is not believed to be a valid baptism. You can’t just go around baptizing whoever you like. A. (or: have you given?) Solid Catholic teaching of the faith from a reliable source. This theory has never entered dogmatic definitions, and the mention of limbo has yet to be seen within the Catechism of the Catholic Church, although limbo remains a possible theological hypothesis. Father, almighty, creator of heaven If the parents refuse to raise their child in the Catholic Faith, in most circumstances the infant may not be baptized. No, the baptism would not be invalidated because of this alone. Christian parents? //--> var navL = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount + "_Left"); For example, if someone dies for the Faith but never was baptized, their act of martyrdom can grant them the same graces one would receive in baptism. Additionally, the candle symbolizes the risen Christ, as he is the light of the world. The celebrant and the congregation the Holy Catholic Church, the Do I need to be Catholic to get my child baptized? On these grounds, baptism is believed to be one of four things that are needed for salvation. had everything), but I think I found there are extreme circumstances in which someone can be baptized by even an unbaptized individual. Select Page. if (IsOver) { You may be asking yourself, “Are there any exceptions to the graces received in baptism? have hope of Heaven's kingdom. When Peter would baptize people in the New Testament, he would often baptize them as well as their entire household, which would include babies of the family. //--> { Based on that, the Catechism of the Catholic Church now says, “We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives” (No. The Sacred Chrism and Oil of the Catechumens. Got questions on Catholic baptisms? It’s also an annual occasion for many to ask, “Why was Jesus baptized?” After all, he is the sinless, divine Son of God, and the baptism that John the Baptist administered was “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4). // End --> All rights reserved.