how to become catholic from protestant

Thanks be to God, and Welcome Home!! Every single one of my family members are in this situation. It didn’t take long to become completely clear to me that this Church, the Catholic Church, is truly the ONE Church that Jesus Christ himself initiated over 2,000 years ago. Which was kind of strange because Ive been a nondenominationamal and everyother kind of christian for the last 15 years and no disrespect to the Lord or my fellow christians but I knew He was there but I felt extremely far away and hard to get intouch with our God. You are right–we can’t do works, deeds, etc. When my eldest son recently asked about Catholicism, I told him, “No other Christian gathering has the Real Presence. If you’re Protestant, great. At least half of those leaving the Roman Catholic Church become Protestant. I love to hear others’ stories. I’m a History major, after all, so I figured I could hack it. On a side note -too funny, we just finished watching “God’s Not Dead” for the first time and the beginning of your story could have come right out of the movie! You could be my sister! Congrats & welcome home! Sadly,not all Protestant churches present the gospel clearly anymore! The passion of new followers of the church reignite my faith. Warmly, What a beautiful and powerful testimony of your prayers for your husband being answered. The popularity of Scott, and then Kimberly’s, stories touched off a massive wave of Catholic conversions and encouraged the pair to write a book based on their experience called Rome Sweet Home. Welcome, fellow Tiber Swim Team 2014 member! Such an incredibly beautiful testimony!! You all remain in my heart and prayers. I’ve been Catholic my whole life, but still have had several major conversions growing in my faith over the years. This is so awesome! He likens his years as an Evangelical as the inner growth rings in a tree. I’m not surprised he converted. If you have followed my blog for any time at all, you’ll probably remember a few posts about my husband being an unbeliever and the dynamics of our spiritually mismatched marriage. You must simply stop praying altogether. And you might find yourself marching right on in. Blessings. Blessings as you live the Triduum!! Deborah— this is so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. It's not like deciding to be a hipster or marking "Y" on your driver's license to be an organ donor. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. May God continue to pour out His graces upon you both. . Blew me away! We must be careful that we are not blinded by the truths in God’s Word. The main reason is because of the new Catholics being welcomed into the Church. There is an excitement pulsing through me that is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Yes, Church doctrine. But I will pray for your kids, if you will pray for mine! During 2011, he immersed himself in 11 different religions {one each month, with a one month break in June}. Welcome! Heather, Catholics who are striving to represent Jesus to the people around them. I’d like to know how you are getting on now two years later. God Bless You!! Your story resonates with me so very much – I’m a cradle Catholic, but my husband is a convert who basically read himself into becoming Catholic. Welcome, welcome to you and your husband. Hi Angie. The Roman Catholic Church is truly home for me. We pray together. When I took the invitation to “come and see”, I was amazed at what I found. Well, I'm a Protestant, so of course my answer is a bit biased in that direction. I, too, am 2 days away from receiving Christ – body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Holy Eucharist at Easter Vigil!!! And you, poor evangelical, thought that Catholics didn’t know their Bibles—and certainly weren’t charismatic. I am so excited for you, for everything that you have gone through, for your relationship with your husband, for your amazing first experience you will have on Saturday! The learning never stops. Remember John Chapter One. A veil you never knew existed is lifted. Join ChurchPOP’s Signal Group, Telegram Channel, & Follow Us on Gab. I wondered what Angie Young meant by to be Catholic,” both have to be.” I have friends and family who are Catholic, and married to a Jew. I wasn’t expecting anything more than I had already experienced on my journey into the Church, but the Lord is the best gift giver there is. Many blessings to you on this very special Easter! Congratulations! Preparation for reception into the Church begins with the inquiry stage, in which the unbaptized person begins to learn about the Catholic faith and decide whether to embrace it.The first formal step to Catholicism begins with the rite of reception into the order of catechumens, in which the unbaptized express their desire and intention to become Christians. So that's it! I will also add that my Protestant friends were very kind and accepting; I hope the same holds true for you. Our two boys are 12 and 14 and will be baptized, receive First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Imagine my utter shock when the next message that I received on my phone was this…”I feel like I may be called to join the Roman Catholic Church”. There are so many CHRISTIANS who believe we are a cult and wodship Mary and are being led astray by the devil it is disheartening but God led me here. If the sinner is granted right standing with God through faith (“born-again”), he will then experience transformation of character. You might be pleasantly surprised by the answer. You and your husband. So beautiful and so authentic. Encourage you not to read your Bible?, etc.}. For me, it was a particular, miraculous journey that I’ve been writing about for a few months now.

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